Version 2.6.1
Remarkable changes
Remarkable changes do not affect system stability after ApiOmat upgrade, but may require changes in configuration, apps, or modules in the next development cycle.
Similar to the change in 2.6.0, where the JavaScript SDK was affected, now the Android, Objective-C and Java SDKs are affected:
When deleting an image/file from an object that still contains the image/file HREF locally, but the image/file doesn't exist on the server anymore, an "ID_NOT_FOUND" error occurs instead of a "MODEL_NOT_FOUND" error
When trying to load an image/file, but the local object doesn't contain the according image/file HREF, an "ATTACHED_HREF_MISSING" error occurs instead of a "MODEL_NOT_FOUND" error
With the exception of the PushMessage class, when calling the post<dataAttrName>() method without having saved the object that you're calling the method on, an "HREF_NOT_FOUND" error occurs
The below (for the JavaScript SDK) mentioned implications apply as well
All changes in the current and previous versions can be found at the root page.
All deprecations and their removal date can be found at Deprecations and Migration.