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Analytics Installation

This Page describes how the ApiOmat analytics is installed on different Linux systems and in different ways.

Packages and Installation

The ApiOmat Analytics software isn't available in our repository for reasons of security. Contact us, so that we can provide the latest version to you. Use the RPM-Package for CentOS and DEB for Debian and Ubuntu. The described systems below are tested. There is no guarantee that this packages will work on other systems.

After you got the package and put it into a temporary folder, you need to follow the specific installation guide:

To update analytics, you just need to follow this guide.

If you are doing an offline installation, this guide will probably help you: Offline installation and troubleshooting

Configuration and management

After you installed ApiOmat Analytics, you need to configure Analytics and ApiOmat.

Analytics comes also with a process manager, which provides the functionality to start/stop your analytics node servers and check their status.



httpd, wget, openssl-devel, gcc-c++, policycoreutils-python, python-setuptools, supervisor, ImageMagick, xz


debconf, python-software-properties, software-properties-common, apache2, supervisor, imagemagick

* link only available in Enterprise Documentation