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Installation with Docker

Before you can run ApiOmat Analytics in Docker, you should see the requirements here.


Before starting the Docker container, you should configure ApiOmat Analytics with these two configuration files:

You should download both files and adjust them. These files will be used when starting ApiOmat Analytics via run command or docker compose.

Run ApiOmat Analytics

You now have 2 options running the container: you can either run the container via Docker Compose or via command line docker run. The following commands/configurations are only examples and can be adjusted to fit your needs.

Docker Run

The shown command will start the ApiOmat Analytics version 1.3.0 and map your config-files to the config-files in the container. It will also be reachable over localhost:8000.

docker run --name yourApiomatAnalyticsContainerName -d -p 8001:80 -v /path/to/api_config.js:/opt/aomanalytics/api/config.js -v /path/to/frontend_config.js:/opt/aomanalytics/frontend/express/config.js apiomat/analytics:1.3.0

Docker Compose

Using the following Docker Compose file will have the same configuration as the docker run command in the section above.

version: '3'
image: apiomat/analytics:1.3.0
user: root
- "/path/to/api_config.js:/opt/aomanalytics/api/config.js"
- "/path/to/frontend_config.js:/opt/aomanalytics/frontend/express/config.js"
- 8001:80

To run the container, you can simple use this command:

docker-compose up -d

After running those startup commands, it could take a while until ApiOmat Analytics is started and reachable. It is completely started when you reach the ApiOmat Analytics website with your browser (e.g. over localhost:8000).

Next Steps

* link only available in Enterprise Documentation