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Version 2.5.7

Remarkable changes

Remarkable changes do not affect system stability after ApiOMat upgrade, but may require changes in configuration, apps, or modules in the next development cycle.

C# / Xamarin (-SQLite) SDKs

If Analytics is enabled on your installation, future SDK downloads won't contain the Countly package imports and helper methods, so if you already used the helper methods in your app code, you will get compile errors.

To continue using the Countly SDK, you can import the Countly package from NuGet to your project and call the Countly methods instead of our helper methods. See Analytics Module

Resource access rights when using restrictResourceAccess

In the past, when a yambas image/file URL was set to an object in a Native Module hook method and then the object was saved, with "restrictResourceAccess" being enabled in the object's class, the image/file access rights were not changed to the ones of the object. This has been fixed now, so that the behavior is the same as when the object is updated with a static data URL via the REST API.

If you don't want your static data access rights to adopt the ones of the object that the data URL is assigned to, you need to turn off "restrictResourceAccess". Be aware that this enables access by guests (that have the correct API key) though.

All changes in the current and previous versions can be found at the root page.

All deprecations and their removal date can be found at Deprecations and Migration.

* link only available in Enterprise Documentation