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Version 2.4.10

Remarkable changes

Remarkable changes do not affect system stability after ApiOMat upgrade, but may require changes in configuration, apps, or modules in the next development cycle.

  • Modules are now deployed in bottom-up order. If you have a Module A which uses Module B, then, while deploying Module A, the onDeploy-Method of Module B is called first and afterwards the one of Module A. In un-deploy process the methods are called top-down. When undeploying Module A, the onUndeploy method of Module A is called first and then the one of Module B. Note that the invocation of these methods are done only in the context of a specific module (the two onDeploy method calls for the deployment of module A is independent from the onDeploy method call of module B)

All changes in the current and previous versions can be found at the root page.

All deprecations and their removal date can be found at Deprecations and Migration.

* link only available in Enterprise Documentation