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Data Modeling with the RESTful API

First, we create a Module called MyTodoList containing our classes:

curl -vX POST https://apiomat.org/yambas/rest/modules/ \
-d moduleName=MyTodoList -d customerName=admin0815 -u admin0815@example.com:123456

Now, let’s create a class called Todo:

curl -vX POST https://apiomat.org/yambas/rest/modules/MyTodoList/metamodels \
-d metaModelName=Todo -u admin0815@example.com:123456

Save / remember the meta model ID that is in the URL of the location header of the response.

The Todo class now gets a description attribute of type string. For the request url use the meta model ID from before here:

curl -vX POST https://apiomat.org/yambas/rest/modules/MyTodoList/metamodels/<METAMODELID>/attributes \
-d attributeType=String -d attributeName=description -u admin0815@example.com:123456

You may add more classes and attributes here (for a Todo class a done and untilDate atttribute would make sense).

If you are ready, deploy your app (in our case using the LIVE system):

curl -vX PUT https://apiomat.org/yambas/rest/modules/MyTodoList \
-d "{\"moduleStatus\":{\"LIVE\":\"DEPLOYED\"}}" -u admin0815@example.com:123456 \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
* link only available in Enterprise Documentation