Executor service is providing multiple endpoints that allow you to deploy microservices to different engines. It supports different service deployment engines and allows you to inject external configuration properties of the Microservices you want to deploy.
By default the Executor service will be available under the following location:
Port |
8070 |
Context path |
/executor |
Host |
Supported deployment engine
Currently the following deployment engines are supported by Executor:
You have to choose one engine for deploying with Executor. Further configuration details can be found in Configuration section. For future releases it is also planned to support Cloud Foundry.
Supported Source Types
Executor supports microservices in the following format:
JAR (microservice as executable Java Jar file)
DOCKER (microservice as Docker image)
The following Executor rest end points are provided to do deployment operations on microservices:
Method |
Path |
Description |
http://<EXECUTOR_HOST>/executor/deployment |
Deploy/start the microservice. The deployment configuration needs to be posted as request body as JSON object. |
http://<EXECUTOR_HOST>/executor/deployment/{id} |
Retrieve the current information about a microservice deployment by the given id. |
http://<EXECUTOR_HOST>/executor/deployment/{id} |
Restart the microservice deployment (identified by the given id) with an updated deployment configuration from request body. |
http://<EXECUTOR_HOST>/executor/deployment/{id} |
Stop and remove a microservice deployment by the given id. |
http://<EXECUTOR_HOST>/executor/deployment/{id}/status |
Retrieve the deployment status of the deployment with the given id to find out how many service instances are running, pending or terminated. |
Deployment Object
The deployment setting is encapsulated within a Deployment object which is send as JSON formatted request body to start your microservice. The Deployment object has the following structure:
: [
Field |
Requirement |
Explanation |
id |
Required |
Unique Id of the microservice deployment to access the deployment configuration. |
serviceName |
Optional |
The serviceName is used to get externalized configuration that are registered to the service name if set. |
serviceVersion |
Optional |
The serviceVersion is used to find labeled external configuration (version=configuration label) |
execParam |
Optional |
Execution parameter you want to inject into the deployment command. This is highly depending on the selected engine and the chosen sourceType. E.g. JAR: [ "--spring.property=myValue", "-DFlag", "-DmySysproperty=value" ] It is also possible to define default execution parameter (JAR) and default environment variables (DOCKER) which will be applied to each service deployment. Please check the configuration part of Executor's installation. |
sourceLocation |
Required |
URL to the location of the microservice that should be deployed. Remember to set the authorization header if the access of the artifact from source location needs authentication. |
sourceType |
Required |
Type of the microservice source. Currently JAR and DOCKER are supported. |
count |
Optional |
Amount of microservice instances that will be deployed |
cpu |
Optional |
Amount of CPU capacity in MHz each microservice instance should use |
memory |
Optional |
Amount of RAM in MB each microservice instance should use |
Kubernetes Pod Scaling
To increase or decrease your running pod instances on Kubernetes you just need to send a PUT Request with the Deployment object containing only the deployment id and the count. In this case Executor will send a replacement request to Kubernetes, that adjusts your replicaSet number of the deployment you want to modify.
Sometimes you also want to give a new sourceLocation to signalize that the container image has changed. Keep in mind that Kubernetes will only adjust your running pods with the new image when the image tag has changed.
Currently the docker images that are created by executor depend on the serviceName serviceVersion and deployed ApiOmatSystem (e.g. MyService-1.0.0-LIVE).
That means, swapping your service image with the same tag can currently only be done by first scaling all pods down and afterwards scaling them up again (the image pull policy is internally set to 'Always').