Kubernetes Deployment Setup
One feature of the executor is to use it as facade for a Kubernetes deployment environment, so it helps you to bring your generated microservices into your Kubernetes environment.
For testing purposes and proof of concepts (POC) you can use Executor to directly deploy your generated microservices to a Kubernetes instance.
However, this type of deployment is not recommended in productive Kubernetes clusters, because it conflicts several Kubernetes best practices.
This page contains the necessary configuration steps on how to setup the Executor in a non-productive and a productive environment.
Setup Declarative Deployment (productive)
It is planned that Executor provides interfaces to generate a Kubernetes deployment set for each generated service which can be used in productive environments. Currently the focus is set to the direct deployment which is described in the next chapter. We will provide more information about the declarative deployment in future releases.
Setup Direct Deployment (non-productive)
The general service configuration of Executor is described in [Executor] Installation. This section contains the current Kubernetes specific configuration for the Executor. It's recommended to use the following configuration only in POCs or testing stages, because it may conflict with your current productive Kubernetes requirements.
The setup guide to deploy generated services into Kubernetes will now split into two alternative parts. The first part describes the setup when your Executor is running inside of Kubernetes. The second part describes the setup when your Executor is running outside of Kubernetes, (e.g. debian package installation).
Executor running inside of Kubernetes
If your Executor should be started inside of Kubernetes and you want to directly deploy generated services into the same Kubernetes cluster you first need the following Manifest files to setup your Executor.
The ConfigMap object is used to inject the application.yml into the Spring Boot Application Container and will be mapped within the deployment.yml later on:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: executor
namespace: default
application.yml: |
enabled: false
host: port: discovery:
hostname: executor
fail-fast: false
health-check-path: "${server.servlet.context-path}/actuator/health"
health-check-critical-timeout: 2m
health-check-interval: 20s
tags: "contextPath=${server.servlet.context-path}, version='@project.version@', notRegisterOnGateway, hiddenAPI"
enabled: false
enabled: false
auto: false
port: 8070
context-path: /executor
engine: kubernetes
count: 1
memory: 300
disk: 300
cpu: 500
javaJvmOpts: "-Xmx76M -Xss256k -XX:+UseG1GC"
javaExecArgs: "--spring.cloud.consul.host=${spring.cloud.consul.host} --spring.cloud.consul.port=${spring.cloud.consul.port}"
spring_cloud_consul_host: ${spring.cloud.consul.host}
spring_cloud_consul_port: ${spring.cloud.consul.port}
resourceDir: ""
repository: email: username: password: kubernetes:
namespace: default
restartPolicy: Always
strategyType: RollingUpdate
rollingUpdateMaxSurge: 1
rollingUpdateMaxUnavailable: 0
imagePullSecret: discovery:
ipRegister: true
podRegister: true
podClusterDomainSuffix: svc.cluster.local
name: Gearhead
pathprefix: /config
connectTimeout: 5000
readTimeout: 5000
To apply the ConfigMap object you can use the command: kubectl apply -f configMap.yml
Further details about every configuration property like the <IMAGE_PULL_SECRET> can be found in the last section of this page.
In order Executor is able to deploy a generated service into its own cluster, we need to set permissions that allow Executor to interact with the Kubernetes API. In Kubernetes permissions are handled through the role-based access control (RBAC) which regulates resource access based on the roles of individual users within your cluster.
But at first we need to create a Kubernetes object of type Secret that contains the docker credentials to access the executor image. This Secret object is then mapped to the ServiceAccount so that Kubernetes is able to pull the image in deployment process.
This imagePullSecret is not the same like the one that was defined in application.yml/configMap.yml before. This Secret is used to retrieve the executor image. The Secret from configMap.yml is used to push and pull images of the generated services.
To create the Secret Object you can use the following command:
# create Kubernetes Secret named 'executorImageAccess' containing your Docker login for pulling the executor image (for dockerhub the login server is https://index.docker.io/v1/)
kubectl create secret docker-registry executorImageAccess \
For more detailed information about creating imagePullSecrets visit the offical Kubernetes documentation https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/
The following rbac.yml file creates a new service account for Executor and a new role which are bound together. The service account will be mapped to the pod template within the deployment.yml later on:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: executor
namespace: default
- name: executorImageAccess
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: Role
name: executor-role
namespace: default
- apiGroups: ["apps"]
resources: [ "deployments"]
verbs: ["create", "update", "delete", "list"]
- apiGroups: [ "" ]
resources: [ "services" ]
verbs: [ "create", "update", "delete", "list" ]
- apiGroups: [ "" ]
resources: [ "pods" ]
verbs: [ "list" ]
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: RoleBinding
name: executor-rolebinding
namespace: default
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: executor
kind: Role
name: executor-role
apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
To apply the objects ServiceAccount, Role and RoleBinding you can use the command: kubectl apply -f rbac.yml
The Service object is the representation of the Executor service on Kubernetes side. It is needed for the Kubernetes deployment and proxy mechanism.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: executor
namespace: default
clusterIP: None
app.kubernetes.io/name: executor
- protocol: TCP
port: 8070
To apply the Service object you can use the command: kubectl apply -f service.yml
The Deployment object bundles every previous Kubernetes object and contains the template definition of the Pod setup.
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: executor
namespace: default
app.kubernetes.io/name: executor
replicas: 1
app.kubernetes.io/name: executor
app.kubernetes.io/name: executor
serviceAccountName: executor
- name: config
name: executor
- name: executor
image: apiomat/executor: imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- name: config
mountPath: "/config/application.yml"
subPath: "application.yml"
cpu: "1"
memory: "256M"
cpu: "0.1"
memory: "256M"
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 60
restartPolicy: Always
To apply the Deployment object you can use the command: kubectl apply -f deployment.yml
Executor running outside of Kubernetes
If Executor is running outside of Kubernetes, but you want to deploy generated services into a Kubernetes cluster, you need to make some changes to the application.yml.
Beside the consul and docker specific properties (that are described in general configuration in [Executor] Installation) we additionally need to specify the executor.kubernetes.kubeConfigFile.
For more information read the section about configuration details afterwards.
name: '@name@'
version: '@project.version@'
enabled: false
host: port: discovery:
fail-fast: false
health-check-path: "${server.servlet.context-path}/actuator/health"
health-check-critical-timeout: 2m
health-check-interval: 20s
tags: "contextPath=${server.servlet.context-path}, version='@project.version@', notRegisterOnGateway, hiddenAPI"
enabled: false
enabled: false
auto: false
port: 8070
context-path: /executor
engine: kubernetes
count: 1
memory: 300
disk: 300
cpu: 500
javaJvmOpts: "-Xmx76M -Xss256k -XX:+UseG1GC"
javaExecArgs: "--spring.cloud.consul.host=${spring.cloud.consul.host} --spring.cloud.consul.port=${spring.cloud.consul.port}"
spring_cloud_consul_host: ${spring.cloud.consul.host}
spring_cloud_consul_port: ${spring.cloud.consul.port}
resourceDir: ""
repository: email: username: password: kubernetes:
kubeConfigFile: namespace: default
restartPolicy: Always
strategyType: RollingUpdate
rollingUpdateMaxSurge: 1
rollingUpdateMaxUnavailable: 0
imagePullSecret: discovery:
ipRegister: true
podRegister: true
podClusterDomainSuffix: svc.cluster.local
name: Gearhead
pathprefix: /config
connectTimeout: 5000
readTimeout: 5000
Configuration Details
The general configuration properties were already described on the [Executor] Installation page. The Kubernetes specific configuration properties are the following:
Connection and Authentication
The executor uses the official Kubernetes Java API Client Library which currently provides different ways to authenticate a Kubernetes API Client to the Kubernetes API Server.
If executor is running inside of Kubernetes you do not need to configure the connection and authentication, since it is already handled via serviceAccount token mechanism.
If executor is running outside of Kubernetes you need to configure the Kubernetes connection in Executor via KubeConfig file.
Key |
Description |
Example |
executor.kubernetes.kubeConfigFile |
Path to the Kubernetes config file. The configuration file must describe your cluster, the user and the context . For more information see the official Kubernetes documentation: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/organize-cluster-access-kubeconfig/ Leave this property empty if you already setup the service account of executor that is running inside of Kubernetes. |
/home/user/.kube/config |
In Kubernetes you have different strategies to update your containers. For the direct deployment of your generated microservice you have the following options to configure:
Key |
Description |
Example |
executor.kubernetes.namespace |
The Kubernetes namespace to which the received services should be deployed |
namespace-xyz |
executor.kubernetes.labels |
Define some custom Kubernetes labels as map<String, String> which will be set to all received services that should be deployed. This is useful to identify deployments, service definitions and pods of generated services that were automatically deployed (e.g. for setting up some dynamic network policies). |
generated_service: "true" (default) |
executor.kubernetes.restartPolicy |
Define under which condition your pods should be restarted: 'Always', 'OnFailure', 'Never' |
Always (default) |
executor.kubernetes.strategyType |
Supported strategy to deploy services on Kubernetes: 'ReCreate', 'RollingUpdate' |
RollingUpdate (default) |
executor.kubernetes.rollingUpdateMaxSurge |
Amount of pods we can add at a time when RollingUpdate is selected as strategy. |
1 (default) |
executor.kubernetes.rollingUpdateMaxUnavailable |
MaxUnavailable defines how many pods can be unavailable during the rolling update. |
0 (default) |
executor.kubernetes.imagePullSecret |
Configure a Kubernetes Secret.Name here for accessing private docker repositories that contain your generated service images. An example how to create a Secret is shown in the section about rbac.yml above. Alternatively see https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/ to learn more about defining image pull secrets on your Kubernetes instance. |
The services in the ApiOmat universe can find each other via service discovery provided by Consul. That means, in order the generated Services can communicate with Yambas we need to register them to Consul.
There are different methods on how to register to the service discovery with different advantages controlled by the following executor configuration properties:
Key |
Description |
Example |
executor.kubernetes.discovery.ipRegister |
If set to true, the deployed services will be registered to the service discovery with their IP address (default). If set to false they will be registered with their service names. Keep in mind to add the option "endpoint_pod_names" to the |
true |
executor.kubernetes.discovery.podRegister |
If set to true, the deployed services will be registered to the service discovery as Pod (default). If set to false they will be registered as service which means that the kube-proxy is used for load balancing. |
true |
executor.kubernetes.discovery.podClusterDomainSuffix |
Cluster domain suffix that is used to construct the reachable pod hostname (Default: svc.cluster.local) |
svc.cluster.local |
One advantage of registering your service pods to consul is that all the pod instances are visible in service discovery and can be load-balanced by an additional API Gateway service like Dispatcher. The disadvantage is that we bypass the kube-proxy functionality.
If you want to let Kubernetes take care of the load-balancing it is recommended to register your Kubernetes service to consul by setting discoveryPreferencePodRegister in application.yaml of executor to false. In that case only one running instance is visible in consul even if there are multiple pods running in background. Additionally the service needs to take care about re-registering itself to service discovery from time to time to ensure that the downscaling of the service is working properly.
Network policy
Kubernetes NetworkPolicies gives you the possibility to control the traffic flow. The default configuration allows traffic from and to all pods. That means: any pod can connect to any other pod.
To isolate your pods, declare a network policy and apply it to your cluster. See the official Kubernetes documentation for an example of what a network policy looks like and how it is declared.
You can find in the official documentation recipes
for common scenarios like restricting access to a namespace.
In the tables below you see which pod from an ApiOmat service needs to interact with which. This helps you to define your own network policy.
In case of a direct deployment, you can change the namespace of your generated service in Executor by changing the property executor.kubernetes.namespace.
A generated microservice needs to interact with following ApiOmat services:
Service |
Usage |
E.g. handles non-transient objects and basic authentication |
Consul |
E.g. does health check and makes sure that other services are able to interact with this service |
Dashboard |
E.g. Dashboard calls service endpoints like it is done in data editor or service configuration |
Explorer |
Explorer calls service endpoints to get api documentation (Swagger) |
Gearhead |
The generated service pulls service configuration values from Gearhead |
Bouncer |
Handles token based authentication |
In the following table you see an overview about ApiOmat service interactions:
Service |
Sends request to.. |
Executor |
Consul: to register service for health check and that other services be able to interact with this service Innkeeper: to retrieve the generated service artifact |
Innkeeper |
Consul: to register service for health check and that other services be able to interact with this service YAMBAS: to handle Basic authentication and announce service artifact Bouncer: to handle JWT authentication |
Gearhead |
Consul: to register service for health check and that other services be able to interact with this service |
Dashboard |
Consul: to register service for health check and that other services be able to interact with this service YAMBAS: backend for Dashboard Gearhead: to load the configuration values for a generated service Executor: to start the deployment of a service Bouncer: to handle JWT authentication Brewer: to trigger service generation |
Brewer |
Consul: to register service for health check and that other services be able to interact with this service YAMBAS: to retrieve the meta model information of a service Innkeeper: to store the service artifacts |
Explorer |
Interacts with all services. To provide a central UI for accessible REST interfaces of ApiOmat. |
Consul: to register service for health check and that other services be able to interact with this service Bouncer: to handle JWT authentication Innkeeper: to get artifact from innkeeper after announcement |
Consul |
Interacts with all services, is used for health check of service |
Bouncer |
Consul: to register service for health check and that other services be able to interact with this service All services: to return validated JWT |