Migrate from Parse to ApiOmat
We at ApiOmat wrote a python script to migrate your data and schemes from Parse to our ApiOmat BaaS.
Below you will find a step-by-step guide on how to do this.
After the script is finished you can start programming against the ApiOmat backend. Check out our documentation for tutorials on programming with ApiOmat. A comparison of the android client code between parse and ApiOmat can be found here.
Go to SignUp to create a new account on ApiOmat. If you already have an account login and create a new app.
Deploy your app to our cloud by pressing the deploy icon.
Copy your 'ApiKey' from the App-Setup in our dashboard. Take also note of the selected system in the left panel (TEST, STAGING or LIVE).
Install pip on your system.
Type 'pip install import-parse-to-ApiOmat' on the command line to install the python script into your system.
Go to Parse dashboard and export your data as zip (Under Settings > Export data). For details see this link.
After you received the mail with your data, save them on your hard disk.
-parse-to-apiOmat --ifile=<path_to_zipfile> --appName=<appName> --apiKey=<apiKey> --userMail=<userMail> --password=<password> --system=<usedSystem> --defaultPwd=<default_pw_for_users>
Explanation of parameters:
--ifile: Insert here filesystem path to the downloaded zip-file
--appName: The name of your app in ApiOmat system
--apiKey: The apiKey from the ApiOmat system copied in step 3 above
--userMail: Your e-mail address which you used to register in our dashboard
--password: your password which you use to login in our dashboard
--system: The system (LIVE , STAGING or TEST) where you are going to import your data. (If you have selected the basic plan you can only import into LIVE system)
--defaultPwd: Default password for imported users
-parse-to-apiOmat --ifile=9339.zip --appName=ParseImport --apiKey=2234224 --userMail=login@apiomat.org --password=12345 --system=LIVE --defaultPwd=12345
Known Issues
Can't import binary files, this Parse data format will be converted to a String and saves only the URL to the data
No support for arrays with mixed types
Can't import passwords from existing users. The password for existing users would be resetted to given password, because we won't decrypt passwords from Parse users
Actual no support for ACL (coming to ApiOmat soon)
You can find the source code in our github repository