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User Profiles and Cohorts

User profiles give you a detailed view of each individual user. Since your users are your customers, you want to know as much about them so that you can provide them with the best experience. User profiles can contain information that ApiOmat studio automatically collects (device, location etc.) as well as any information that you collect inside your app. User properties can be anything that you want, such as phone number, gender, age, which campaign they came from as well as information tied to their device. User profiles can be used throughout other parts of ApiOmat Analytics, so that you can quickly segment users and offer them special deals or prioritize them in certain situations.

User profiles are displayed in a list, which you can filter to create the exact segmentation you want to see.


Individual User Profiles

Each user has their own profile which includes user information, as well as a detailed history of their interaction with your app.

You get a detailed view into their session history, showing what time they started a session and how long it lasted.

The event timeline also lets you see how many times a specific event occurred, when it happens, which pages they visited and even the rating they gave your app.

You also can see which funnels they have went through, when it happened and how far they progressed through the tunnel.



A cohort is user segmentation that you can save and track over time. Cohorts share certain events over a certain period of time, for example, users who make a payment for the first time in the last 30 days, or shared 7 articles over the last week). Creating cohorts allows you to further segment funnels, retention, user profiles, flows and drill data.
