This patch version for the second service release of ApiOmat 20.11 has been released on Monday, 13th December 2021 and contains an update for the following service:
ApiOmat Yambas
As well as the unchanged versions ApiOmat Dashboard 3.6.2, Bouncer 1.2.0, Brewer 2.0.1, Dispatcher 1.9.0, Executor 1.3.0, Explorer 1.3.0, Gearhead 1.1.1, Innkeeper 2.2.0, Analytics 1.7.0.
This version contains a security fix for the widespread "Log4jShell" vulnerability ( CVE-2021-44228 ). We urgently recommend updating to this version. If you cannot update for whatever reason, set the -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups system property in your /etc/apiomat/aom-yambas configuration file or ask our support team for further help.